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Helena Reef Map Gran Canaria, Reefs of Gran Canaria
Moray ell Photo From Gran Canaria Reef Go Diving


  • Max depth: 16 meters

  • Experience level: Open water diver 

  • Sightings:Shoals of Roncadores,Stingray,

  • Trumpetfish,Morays,Eagle rays,Bream,Angel shark

  • Boat dive


Explore the reef know as Morey reef 

Discover the enchanting Helena Reef, named after the Mediterranean moray or the moray Helena, a rare species that typically stays in deeper waters. This wonderful reef is situated in front of the factory of El Pajar, and measures around 300 meters in length with a maximum depth of 16 meters. 

Although smaller than the Arguineguin reef, the Helena Reef boasts an incredible amount of marine life. The reef is famous for its large shoal of roncadores, which attracts a variety of predators like barracudas, tuna, and Bonito hunting for sardines hiding among the roncadores. It's a spectacle that can keep divers entertained for hours. 

As you explore the reef, you'll come across beautiful overhangs that offer a home to various marine creatures like rays, morays, and octopus. The giant puffer fish is another rare fish species that can be found in the area. However, be aware that they're shy and hard to spot, so keep your eyes peeled!

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